Our Image Flyer

Our Image Flyer "Your Nail. Our Passion"
Imagekatalog 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 7.0 MB

Our catalog for manicure, pedicure and Sets

Scissors, Tweezers, Files, Clippers, Cuticle Nippers and more

Our catalog for manicure and pedicure
Here you will find at a glance our scissors, tweezers, clipper, nipper, files and other articles on manicure and pedicure.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 9.5 MB
Our catalog for manicure sets
Our Manicure Sets are as diverse as life, so they are completely different: Elegant, upbeat, natural, happy - our sets have many characters!
Katalog Manicure Sets_2022_compressed.pd
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.2 MB

Would you like to become our trading partner?


As a dealer or operator of an online shop, you have the opportunity to request our special price list for the trade. Please fill out the following contact form and give us an indication of the size and type of your company, an address to a website as well as the planned quantities of the instruments or cases. If desired, we can also offer you our own individual instruments and cases with your individual logo, please provide a corresponding note.



We will get back in touch with you.

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